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Education and prevention

Berlin, 3 December 2024

Prevention projects of the foundation

Our mission is to raise awareness and prevent hearing-related challenges through targeted education and prevention projects. Now we are working on three key initiatives:

Illustrated picture book for children: With the book children playfully discover their sense of hearing, learn in dialog with each other how hearing works, how sensitive their own hearing is, what tinnitus and hearing loss sound like, and why regular hearing tests are so important.

Ear health in the workplace: We provide education on stress reduction, the importance of ear health in professional settings and practical tips for everyday working life.

Tinnitus, social isolation & dementia: Our program offers guidance on managing hearing loss, using hearing aids, and promoting cognitive performance through exercises that can be easily integrated into everyday life.

You can find more information here: https://stiftung-tinnitus-und-hoeren-charite.org/en/home/what-we-do/education/