The Foundation Tinnitus and Hearing Charité regularly organises national and international congresses and symposia in order to support the exchange between scientists and promote research.

You can download the preliminary 2025 programme in German here.
The ‘26th Tinnitus Symposium 2025’ is recognised with 8 continuing education points by the Berlin Medical Association.
Further information on registration and payment details will follow shortly.
Saturday, 6.12.2025: 26th Tinnitus Symposium
The annual International Tinnitus Symposium will take place for the 26th time in Berlin on 6 December 2025. Since 2019, it has been organised by the Tinnitus Centre Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in cooperation with the German Foundation Tinnitus and Hearing Charité. During the event, international experts will present the latest findings from research and practice and give you an overview of the entire spectrum of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus and hearing disorders – two topics that are becoming increasingly important.
The Foundation was also pleased to announce this year’s winner of the 7th Research Prize Tinnitus & Hearing as part of the 26th Tinnitus Symposium. The event will be held at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Haus (Robert-Koch-Platz 7, 10115 Berlin).
Regular participation fees:
- Early Bird until 29.10.2025: 100 EUR
- Until 28.11.2025: 130 EUR
- From 29.11. to 6.12.2025: 150 EUR
Participation fees for students:
- Early Bird until 29.10.25: 70 EUR
- Until 28.11.25: 90 EUR
- From 29.11 to 6.12.2025: 100 EUR
Friday, 5 December 2025: ‘Psychosomatic principles in ENT medicine’ course
One day before the Tinnitus Symposium, interested specialists can take part in the advanced training course ‘Psychosomatic Basics in ENT Medicine’ organised by the Psychosomatics Working Group of the German Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery. The course will take place for the third time in 2025 and is expected to be recognised by the Berlin Medical Association with 8 continuing education points.
The event will be held at the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Luisenstraße 58/59, 10117 Berlin.
Participation fees and registration deadlines:
- Please send your application by 30.9.2025 by e-mail to: Prof. Dr. Birigt Mazurek
- Participation fee for all: 80 EUR
Further information on payment details will follow shortly.

You can download the programme in German here.

In September 2026, the Tinnitus Centre Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin will host the Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference (TRI) in Berlin in cooperation with the German Foundation Tinnitus and Hearing Charité. Planning is in progress.
You can download the preliminary programme here.
In 2018, the Foundation and the Tinnitus Centre Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin hosted the Inner Ear Biology Congress (IEB). Scientists from all over the world who conduct research in the field of the inner ear or inner ear biochemistry met for a lively exchange. The president of the IEB18 was Prof Dr Birgit Mazurek. The results of the congress were published in the special issues of the journal HNO, volume 67, pages 156-158, April 2019. An open patient day was offered to accompany the IEBB on 7 September 2018.
In 2014, the Foundation organised the ‘International Tinnitus Seminar 2014’ world congress for the first time together with the Tinnitus Centre Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin under the presidency of Prof. Dr Birgit Mazurek. 550 leading scientists from 53 countries took part and learnt about new findings in the research, diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus. The congress was held under the patronage of the Governing Mayor of Berlin. The results were published in the journal HNO, Volume 63, Issue 4, April 2015.

Webinars “Tinnitus – from research to clinical practice” in 2025
EUTINNET – the European Tinnitus Network – is launching a new webinar series in collaboration with our foundation on the topic of “Tinnitus – from research to clinical practice”. Leading scientists will present their research findings and talk about their relevance for the treatment of tinnitus. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
The webinars will be offered in English and are free of charge for all participants.
The new format is aimed at all who are involved in tinnitus self-help, sufferers and others with an interest in tinnitus research.
The dates:
- 23/01/2025, 6 pm: Dr Christopher Cederroth
- 10/04/2025, 6 pm: Dr Lukas Landegger
- 11/09/2025, 6 pm: Dr Stephanie Rosemann
- 06/11/2025, 6 p.m.: Dr Elouise Koops
Secure your place today and register for the next webinar on April 10, 2025 with Dr Lukas Landegger!
For further information on the topic of the webinars and the registration please visit the EUTINNET website.
We look forward to seeing you!